
Interested in become more involved? Join a committee!

The Lodge Chief oversees the following committees:

Vigil Committee: Organizes and conducts Vigil selection and induction. Also selects annual Founder’s Award recipients. Made up of each Chapter Chief, and another chapter member as long as they are not vigil eligible. Selection takes place at the Summer Ordeal

Section Conclave / NOAC Committee: Organizes the lodge’s program for Conclave; Theme, cheers, spirit items, etc. Organizes Quest team and training. Follows up on Conclave Competition Guidelines. Coordinates with adviser to make sure relevant information is passed along from section Council of Chiefs meetings, which the chairman attends

Elections / Camping Promotions Committee: Promotes camping to the troops of the council and encourages Scout Summer Camp and other outdoor programs through Chapter Chiefs and OA Troop Representatives. Oversees troop OA elections, which are done between December 1 and March 1 and makes sure all troops have elections, or are contacted about a visit.

The Lodge Vice‐Chief oversees the following committees:

Ceremonies Team Committee: Organizes and oversees the Ceremonies in which the lodge performs.

Elangomat Committee: Organizes and oversees the Lodge’s Elangomats and plans programs for the Elangomats to perform with their Ordeal candidate.

Service Committee: Plans the cheerful service projects which the lodge performs during the year and at Lodge functions. Plans annual “Day of Service”.

Ordeal Masters: Organizes and oversees the two annual lodge Ordeals; creates and maintains budget for event; decides on meals for the weekend and leisure time activities; coordinates with necessary individuals to make the weekend successful

Fall Fellowship Committee: Organizes and oversees the Fall Fellowship; designs patch and memorabilia; decides on program and agenda for the weekend; coordinates with necessary individuals to make the weekend successful.

The Lodge Secretary/Treasurer oversees the following committees:

Membership and Finance Committee: Maintains the lodge membership database and provides mailing labels for The Eager Beaver; determines which members are eligible for Brotherhood and Vigil honors; helps Develop annual lodge budgets

Planbook Committee: Helps with the writing and publishing of the Lodge Planbook; a book that gives out the basic information about the Lodge.

Where to go Camping Book Committee: Gathers information, writes, and publishes the Lodge’s Book on camping in our area.

Lodge Memorabilia and Distribution Committee: Designs lodge memorabilia and merchandise for events; recommends how the memorabilia should be distributed to the lodge and the public; helps staff the lodge trading post.